Online machine auctions
Below you will find, from various auctioneers, an overview of online machine auctions relating to estates offered by the curator. Here, you will also find online machine auctions not relating to any bankruptcy.
2 auctions found.
Online veiling i.o.v. curator mevr. mr. C. Mascini van RST advocaten te BredaMet o.a.
grootformaat printers
inventaris etc.
In opdracht van belanghebbende veilt ProVeiling o.a.: F4 Elektrische pallettruck (1.500 kg) | Kunststof ramen | Binnendeuren | Koelkasten | Greenline wasmiddel | Vlindermachine | Scheppach benzinegrasmaaiers | Kloofmachines | Tegelsnijders | Lintzaag HBS30X | Handveegmachine S800 | Inverterstroomgenerator SGpgs 2500 inverter| Pro-Line stille compressor Siltek | Euro 2 kw heaters etc.